Public Relations



일반적인 홍보 업무와 다양한 이니셔티브를 활용한
홍보와 연계된 액티비티를 통해 고객사의 브랜드 인지도를 높이는데 기여합니다.

Enhancing client brand awareness through the integration
of PR tasks and activities aligned with promotional initiatives,
utilizing a variety of strategic approaches.

홍보 업무

Public Relations 홍보 업무

  • Curate and present diverse narrative perspectives
  • Leverage media coverage across print, online, and digital channels
  • Organize strategic media conferences and individual interviews
  • Execute targeted media outreach initiatives
방송 프로젝트

Screen (TV/OTT) Filming 방송 프로젝트

  • Pitch and orchestrate TV/OTT programs
  • Coordinate filming projects in collaboration with industry partners, including TV crews
  • Devise and implement associated marketing programs
미디어 팸투어 및 미디어 취재

Media FAM/Individual Media Visit 미디어 팸투어 및 미디어 취재

  • Curate and present diverse narrative perspectives
  • Leverage media coverage across print, online, and digital channels
  • Organize strategic media conferences and individual interviews
  • Execute targeted media outreach initiatives
셀러브리티 마케팅

Celebrity Marketing 셀러브리티 마케팅

  • Cultivate relationships w/influencers and celebrities
  • Initiate and coordinate photo shoot projects in collaboration with media and freelance editors
  • Facilitate individual trips for celebrities, influencers and KOLs
브랜드 협업

Brand Collaboration 브랜드 협업

  • Media partners, consumer brands and industry partners
  • Leverage diverse PR & marketing channels
번역 서비스, 홍보 제작물 및 굿즈 제작

Translation & Collaterals 번역 서비스, 홍보 제작물 및 굿즈 제작

  • Offer professional translation services
  • Produce high-quality collaterals and giveaways